Published peer-reviewed research studies have found
that the TM technique:

  • Improves attention
  • Improves concentration
  • Improves behaviour regulation
  • Improves emotional control
  • Improves memory
  • Improves organisational skills
  • Improves cognitive functioning
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
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Among its other benefits, TM is an excellent tool for those with ADHD. It helps calm the mind through creating coherence in the brain. It is an effective tool for those looking to improve concentration and become more calm. Several research studies have been conducted showing these benefits.

TM improves concentration

Difficulty with concentration or the inability to focus is one of the most frequently cited struggles for people with ADHD. In addition to how effortless the TM technique is to practice, a key difference between TM and other meditations, such as mindfulness, is brainwave activity.

The alpha-one brainwaves evidenced by EEG tests during TM practice are distinct from the theta brainwave signature produced by mindfulness practice. Alpha-one brainwaves promote coherent brain functioning. This means greater cognitive function and a state of restful alertness that continues beyond the period of meditation.

In 2018, 96 teachers and school administrators completed a Profile of Mood States questionnaire (POMS) before learning the TM technique, and again after four months of regular TM practice.² The results of the questionnaire taken four months later showed significant decreases in mood disturbances including:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • anger
  • fatigue

Many meditation practices claim to help people with ADHD in their daily lives, but few of these claims are backed up by scientific research. There are hundreds of published studies demonstrating the value of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

One scientific study looked at students with ADHD before and after practicing the TM technique for three months.¹ They showed increased capabilities in problem-solving and verbal fluency tests when compared with their results before learning TM.

Unlike medication, which often has adverse side effects and loses efficacy as soon as it is no longer taken, the TM technique is a lifelong tool with cumulative and lasting benefits that directly addresses various symptoms and contributing factors linked to ADHD.

For example, people with ADHD have reduced blood flow to the brain. The Transcendental Meditation technique combats exactly that, by increasing blood flow to the brain and creating neural connections.

america heart association

TM is the only meditation practice that has been shown to reduce blood pressure…all other meditation techniques, including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction are not recommended in clinical practice to lower blood pressure.


Perhaps its greatest benefit is that it’s relatively quick to learn and easy to master. No waiting weeks or months of practice before you see results.


According to both the Australian CSIRO and American Heart Association (AHA), the TM technique is the only meditation technique that has been shown to effectively reduce high blood pressure.

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A 2009 study found Transcendental Meditation helped alleviate stress in college students, while another found it helped reduce blood pressure, anxiety, depression and anger.

What you’ll learn at an Info Session

  • What TM is and is not
  • The many benefits available through TM’s regular practice
  • How TM is different from other meditations
  • How it works for everyone
  • Why it’s so easy to practice
  • How TM is taught, and why personal instruction is required
  • Most researched meditation

    Hundreds of published research studies have found the TM technique to be highly effective for stress-related conditions, brain function, and cardiovascular health

    Most Researched Meditation

    Free lifetime support and follow-up program

    Your TM course includes free global lifetime follow-up and support for your meditation practice.

    ADHD and the Brain

    Scientists attribute ADHD to a lag in the brain’s natural development. Cognitive learning expert Sarina Grosswald, EdD, led pioneering research on ADHD and meditation. Dr. Grosswald explained that Transcendental Meditation works very differently from how the drugs work.

    The TM technique is a cost-effective approach that can be a lifelong tool for managing ADHD and its many challenges.

    “Meditation is not a quick fix. But, over time, TM allows the brain to create the neural connections that correct the underlying problem. The drug is an immediate fix, but when it wears off, the problem remains—the lack of brain integration.”

     Sarina Grosswald, EdD
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