Complaints Policy and Procedure

This document sets out the approach Maharishi Foundation Australia (MFA) adopted to ensure that any complaints can be raised and submitted quickly and handled efficiently and effectively. Details of this approach are accessibility, responsiveness, sensitivity, and fairness.

MFA is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation that teaches Transcendental Meditation® and other educational programs of Maharishi® Vedic Science in all states and territories of Australia. Certified Teachers, highly trained in their respective areas of expertise, deliver our courses and consultations. These teachers are naturally mindful of the expected professional standards and enjoy their communities’ ongoing trust, confidence, and support.

The Complaints Policy and Procedure management is by senior administrative personnel within our organisation who report directly to the National Director.  

All personnel within our organisation are required to understand the complaint handling procedure, and if someone wishes to raise a complaint, that individual will be:

  • Provided with information about our complaint handling process and how to access it;
  • Listened to, treated with respect, and invited to be actively involved in the complaint resolution process where possible and appropriate; and
  • Provided reasons for our organisation’s decision(s) concerning their complaint and any options for redress or review.

Complete and submit a complaint form.

1.1 Scope

Without restriction or limitation, this policy allows for receiving and managing any complaints relating to our products, activities, services, and personnel from public members, clients, contractors, volunteers, our teachers, and MFA’s governing body. As an all-inclusive approach to good governance, the complaint-handling process is also open to assessment and appraisal.

1.2  Complaint

We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us, our services, personnel, or the handling of a complaint where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required. Importantly:

  • We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that people making complaints are not adversely affected because a complaint has been made by them or on their behalf.
  • Anonymous complaints will be accepted if there is a compelling reason. The provision of sufficient will result in a confidential investigation will be initiated.

1.3  Dispute

A dispute is an unresolved complaint that escalates within or outside our organisation.

1.4  Representative

If a person prefers or needs another person or organisation to assist or represent them in presenting or resolving their complaint, we will communicate with them through their representative. Anyone may represent a person making the complaint provided they have that person’s written consent, such as an advocate, family member, legal or community representative, etc.

Website Complaints Policy
The Complaints Handling Process

2.1  Responsiveness

Any complaints received will be promptly acknowledged and actioned

We will assess and prioritise complaints according to the issue’s urgency and/or seriousness. If a matter concerns an immediate risk to safety or security, the response will be immediate.

We are committed to managing people’s expectations. We will inform them as soon as possible of the process of handling their complaint and the expected time frame for our actions and decisions. We will also advise the complainant of any delay and the reason for that delay.

2.2  Objectivity and Fairness

We will address each complaint with integrity and in an equitable, objective, and unbiased manner and ensure that the person or people handling a complaint is/are different from any member of our organisation whose conduct or service is the subject of the complaint.

The management of conflicts of interest will be in a professional manner.

2.3  Responding Flexibly

We have adopted a flexible approach to service delivery and problem-solving to enhance accessibility for people and/or their representatives making complaints. All personnel within our organisation who may be involved with managing complaints are empowered to implement our complaint management system as appropriate to reflect their role and responsibilities. They are also encouraged to resolve complaints promptly and with as little formality as possible. The complaint manager will escalate if there is no resolution.

When appropriate, we may resolve a complaint informally by talking to the person who made the complaint and offering them an explanation or apology.

2.4  Confidentiality

We will protect the identity of people making complaints where this is practical and appropriate.

Personal information that identifies individuals will only be disclosed or used by us as permitted under the relevant privacy laws and any relevant confidentiality obligations.

2.5  Complaints Involving Multiple Parties

Where a complaint involves multiple organisations, we will work with the other organisation/s, where possible, to ensure that communication with the person making a complaint and/or their representative is clear and coordinated.

Communication and information sharing will facilitate a timely response to the complaint.

2.6  Managing Unreasonable Conduct by People Making Complaints

We are committed to being accessible and responsive to all people who approach us with feedback or complaints. At the same time, the success of our ongoing educational and charitable activities depends on the following:

  • Our ability to do our work and perform our functions most effectively and efficiently as possible and
  • The health, safety, and security of our clients and colleagues.

If people behave unreasonably in their dealings with us, their conduct can significantly affect the progress and efficiency of our work. As a result, we will take proactive and decisive action to manage any conduct that negatively or unreasonably impacts us or our clients and will support our colleagues in doing the same under this policy.

2.7  Alternative Avenues

Suppose a person making a complaint is dissatisfied with our situation assessment. In that case, they may seek an external review of our decision by contacting the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. Also, as appropriate, we can inform people with complaints that additional options are available, including a relevant Ombudsman or legal authority.

2.8  Implementation and Reporting

We will ensure that complaints are adequately resolved, monitored, and reported to the National Director and, where appropriate, to the Board of Directors.

2.9  Monitoring of the Complaint Management System

We will continually review our complaint management system to:

  • Ensure its effectiveness in responding to and resolving any complaints and
  • Based on these reviews, take all necessary steps to maintain best practices within the organisation and thereby prevent or minimise the occurrence of any complaints.

Maharishi Foundation Australia Ltd