Scientists have found Transcendental Meditation rapidly develops more efficient, coherent and integrated brain functioning, the basis of higher consciousness in daily life.
Electroencephalography (EEG) research consistently shows that TM produces patterns of alpha waves that are “in phase,” or rising and falling together, measured simultaneously from different points on the brain.
This heightened brain wave coherence and long-range connectivity is the “EEG signature” of Transcendental Meditation and gives rise to the inner experience of “wholeness.”
Researchers have also discovered that with regular twice-daily TM practice, the coherent, holistic brain pattern of the TM begins to occur more and more in daily activity after meditation.
With more holistic, coherent brain functioning, the meditator experiences expanded awareness, broader comprehension, greater presence of mind and a more complete sense of self.
Hundreds of scientific studies on Transcendental Meditation have identified the positive, holistic psychological growth that results from regular practice -described by meditators as growth of enlightenment.
Studies on TM have described findings in terms of greater self-actualisation, increased creativity, and growth of intellectual and cognitive abilities. Many scientists cite these research studies as empirical verification of higher stages of human development.
“In Western psychology, it is generally understood that cognitive development ends at early adulthood,” says psychologist and researcher David Orme-Johnson.
Fluid intelligence, working memory, processing speed and other cognitive functions are considered to peak around age 21, and then decline with age.
“Fluid intelligence, working memory, processing speed and other cognitive functions are considered to peak around age 21, and then decline with age.
Now there is a wide range of psychological and neurophysiological evidence showing that TM unfreezes that endpoint of human development and unfolds higher stages of mental performance and emotional well-being – beyond what we’ve accepted as the norm.”
The founder of Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, explains enlightenment as a state of stabilised calm, clarity and full presence of mind, lived spontaneously in one’s daily activities outside of meditation.
Maharishi: “The goal is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy.”
Maharishi: “Yes. And it brings very practical value to life. Even if we forget about ‘enlightenment’ for a moment – maybe that state seems to be inconceivable – still it is our daily experience that the whole value of life is very little if we are tired, if we are stressed.”
“If we think of a morning when we have not rested well in the night, then we feel so groggy and everything just collapses into dullness and inertia. The world is the same as on the other days, but our appreciation of the world is so much less.”
“And with Transcendental Meditation we have a natural and effective means to dissolve even deeply rooted fatigue and stress. This is the way to unfold full value of life.”
“Even in the first days of meditation, we find that our eyes seem to be a little more open, our mind seems a bit clearer. Our feeling towards our friends seems to be more harmonious.”
“And then, as the practice continues every day, a time will come when we start living life free from all stresses. We cleanse the awareness of all stresses and strains, leaving the conscious mind completely free in its pure value.”
“And then, as the practice continues every day, a time will come when we start living life free from all stresses. We cleanse the awareness of all stresses and strains, leaving the conscious mind completely free in its pure value.”
Gary Kaplan, MD, PhD, Hofstra University School of Medicine: “We propose that what happens during TM is a fourth state of consciousness because it’s very different from the other three states. After 40 years of research, we now know that TM produces a unique, wakeful, coherent state of deep rest that is physiologically the opposite of stress. The science also suggests that experiencing this state twice daily through TM is the key to maximising well-being.”
“In the ancient tradition of knowledge from which Transcendental Meditation comes – the same tradition that gave us yoga – regular experience of the fourth state, one’s deepest inner self, is understood to be the mechanism that unfolds higher states of consciousness, or enlightenment, in daily life.”
People practising TM commonly report that, over time, the state of restful alertness gained during twice-daily meditation becomes more and more stabilised, so that eventually one lives that full presence of mind at all times outside of meditation – remaining calm, steady and focused even in challenging circumstances. From the standpoint of neuroscientists, this is the development of heightened coherence and greater neural connectivity in the brain.
With the continued practise of TM, meditators experience that their consciousness – their deepest inner self – unfolds and becomes “unbounded.” This state of unbounded awareness brings inner freedom; comprehension is maximised, perception is enriched, love and empathy increases and the recognition of the underlying unity of life grows stronger.
To find out more, please book in for a Free TM Introductory Talk with one of our Certified TM instructors in your area.
By Gavan Evans