Why is TM Different?


Benefits start straight away

The profound rest experienced during TM dissolves deep-rooted stresses and fatigue – helping you feel lighter, clearer, happier

benefits-start straight away by tm


Super easy to do

  • No trying to ‘empty the mind’
  • No mindfulness monitoring of thoughts
  • No concentrating
  • No trying to control the mind
  • No particular sitting postures are required (a chair will do!)
  • Anyone can do it – even if you think you ‘can’t meditate’
super easy to do by tm


Most researched meditation

Hundreds of published research studies have found the TM technique to be highly effective for stress-related conditions, brain function, and cardiovascular health

most researched meditation by tm


Personalised instruction

The TM technique is not a “one size fits all’. It’s taught one-on-one and is carefully personalised for you.

Only Certified teachers can instruct you in the TM technique.

one on one by tm


Free lifetime support and follow-up program

Your TM course includes free global lifetime follow-up and support for your meditation practise.

free lifetime support