An Australian supply chain manager says the Transcendental Meditation® technique has given him calm and learning it “was magical”. 

Prabhjyot Bhatia lives in South East Melbourne and has been working in supply chain since 1999.

“When I first looked into TM I wasn’t really convinced,” Prabhjyot said. 

“It seemed expensive. I thought it was targeted to western people and that it was probably just a placebo effect… so I decided not to go ahead with it.

“Then, a year later, I was still thinking about it, so I just said to myself I need to try this and I went to the TM centre.”

The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught by certified teachers in an in person 4-consecutive day course. It takes about 1.5 hours a day. 

“On the very first day I was given the mantra, immediately something magical happened,” he said.

“I had never experienced anything like that before. The feeling I had, the sensation in the brain – I can’t describe it. It was magical. 

“Magic is the only word that describes it.”

Prior to learning the TM technique, Prabhjyot had been struggling with weight loss and experienced anxiety at work. 

“A few years ago, I really wanted to reduce my weight and I read on an Ayurvedic website that meditation might be able to help me,” he said. 

“I was a bit anxious at work at the time. I used to lie in bed and think about all the things that had happened on the day. 

“I didn’t realise it at first but I guess I must have also been drinking every night,” he said. 

According to research from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) published December 15th, 2023, one in five (20.5%) adults consumed five or more standard drinks on any day in the last year at least monthly. 

“One in three (33.7%) young adults aged 18–24 years consumed five or more standard drinks on any day in the last year at least monthly, more than any other age group,” ABS statistics showed.

Prabhjyot realised that alcohol consumption was not going to help him in the long run. 

“I thought I should just give something a try to substitute for the drinking and help to calm me down,” he said. 

“After learning Transcendental Meditation, I haven’t had a drink in almost two and a half years and I have found it much easier to lose weight.”

Prabhjyot also experienced improvements in his relationships at home. 

“My wife says I’m more calm,” he said. 

“I do feel much more relaxed and composed in different situations and I don’t really get angry anymore.”

More than 700 research studies conducted at top universities, such as Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, and research institutes – such as CSIRO, American Heart Foundation – validate the benefits of the TM technique. 

“I can feel that [Transcendental] Meditation has an impact on my day and I like to practice regularly because I know something would be missing from my life if I didn’t,” Prabhjyot said. 

“TM has definitely improved my sleep and I think that if you are an anxious person, it’s the perfect toolkit to have in your arsenal.

“Overall, what has changed since I learnt meditation is that I’m just happier. I like life more.”